Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What a wild weekend. Nashville and its surrounding areas got completely flooded this past weekend and to say my heart is heavy would be an understatement. Homes completely washed away, the river that runs through the downtown area was up 50ft and flooding downtown, over 30 deaths, trees fell and the list goes on and on. I believe my vocabulary this weekend went from dirty curse words to praising God all in the same sentence.

I feel very blessed to still have a home, my husband and my animals!! Our friends Travis and Lindsey McClain lost their whole home and everything inside of it. They are staying with us for a few days along with their 2 dogs and cat. I'm so glad they are safe! We did occur some damage..2 trees down, one crushed car, fence down, flooded basement and a partridge and a pear tree. (How appropriate, "Life Goes On" by The Beatles just popped up on itunes). Here's a glimpse into the past couple days...

I'm thankful and now on to tons and tons of cleaning up!


  1. I am so sorry, how horrible!
    Glad yall are safe!

  2. hi beth!! so sorry to hear about all the damage!!! scot and i have been thinking about you guys with all the news on the flooding in nashville. we are so glad you are ok!

  3. It is so good that you wrote down your thoughts on this event, as you will always remember the flood of '10!

  4. As always, Bet, you've done a wonderful job
    of relating your thoughts straight from your heart.
